Shop: Thai Cuisine

Katering 泰式到會

Professional Thai Food & Catering Service Thai Catering offers professional catering services for conferences, meetings, cocktail, buffet, parties, weddings and other social gatherings. In addition, we offer a variety of Thai cuisine with numerous styles. Customers’ requirements are tailor-designed as to offer the perfect moment for our clients. Our food and beverage business includes Bangkok Thai Restaurant & Koon Thai Cuisine. Our Thai chef follows Royal Thai cooking methods to bring out authentic Thai cuisine. Our restaurant coverage is all over Hong Kong the territory with high popularity among customers.     

泰潮 Thai Chiu

    泰潮牌菜以「泰式海南雞」最為上乘,海南雞以秘製方法煮製,肉質嫩口彈牙,配雞油香飯,成功令泰潮於開業短短三年便榮獲「米芝蓮推介」及後連續8年亦成功連任。其他招牌菜有: 泰式滷水豬髀飯及冬蔭功湯粉等等,一直深受名人及藝人們愛戴,成為記者筆下的「明星食堂」。     最低消費 : $1800    48小時前下單  


  象屋是一家時尚的泰式餐廳,專注於正宗的泰國風味。我們的主廚Khun Nam有國際烹飪經驗和在巴黎藍帶國際學院客座講師。她認為泰國最好的口味來自基本成分和香料。因此,在象屋,我們所有的食物,咖哩,醬汁都是每天手工製作的 La Maison D’Elephant is a trendy Thai restaurant with a strong focus on authentic Thai taste. Our head chef Khun Nam has international cooking experience and guest lectures at Le Gordon Bleu School. She believes the best Thai taste is from the basic ingredients and spices. Therefore, at La Maison D’Elephant, all our food, curry, sauces are created fresh daily by hand.