泰媽媽雞飯 Thai Mama’s Cow Man Kai | 泰式到會 Thai Catering | +852 6855 6500

泰式到會「泰媽媽雞飯」位於觀塘APM及灣仔新鴻基中心,特別邀請二十五年入廚經驗的泰媽媽蘭姐主理,將泰國地道家傳秘方的味道帶到香港。餐廳主要以自助形式打理,主打外賣服務亦提供少量堂食座位。不論泰式到會、主食、小食、甜品均一應俱全、款款滋味。當中以泰媽媽雞飯為招牌菜 ,鹵水豬手飯、泰式炸雞飯等亦相當出色。想享受簡單、方便快捷、又具特色的外賣便當?泰媽媽雞飯幫到您!


Thai Catering Thai Mama’s COW MAN KAI located at APM in Kwun Tong & Sun Hung Kei Centre in Wanchai. We Invited Ms. Lan with 25 years of cooking experience to bring the authentic home-style Thai flavors to Hong Kong. It is a self-service restaurant that perfect for casual dining where you can grab a light breakfast, afternoon tea or a full meal. It emphasizes on takeaway services and a few dine-in seating that featuring high quality meals, exclusive snacks and mouthwatering desserts, such as our signature COW MAN KAI Chicken with flavoring Rice, Pork Knuckle in Thai Style with Steamed Rice and Fried Chicken with Chicken Flavoring Rice. Hungry for a fantastic & remarkable takeaway meal? Come to us!


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