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Chef's Table

Chef's Table 以和諧舒適為主調的裝潢, 環境時尚優雅, 店內更設有開放式沙律吧、酒吧及多部電視, 讓您可一邊欣賞喜愛的電視頻道, 一邊享受精選美食, 有如置身家裡和諧舒適的氣氛, 必定是作為都巿人的您忙裡偷閒, 享受悠閒寫意生活之選。 推介菜式: 燒美國聖路易斯豬筋骨伴薯條沙律 香草牛油焗巨型蘑菇田螺

Fork Eat

  Self-raised chickens from the restaurant’s own farm are used in the dishes. The chickens are corn-fed without adding any hormone, animal fat, and artificial pigment. The meat is tender and flavourful. Michelin Street Food (2018) 小店主打自家農場鮮雞,以天然粟米餵飼,無添加激素、動物脂肪及人工色素。雞肉嫩滑,雞皮爽口。米芝蓮街頭小食 (2018)


ABOUT GREYHOUND CAFÈ The first Greyhound Cafe opened its door in Thailand in 1997, as a line extension of its fashion label. Greyhound Cafe is the first fashion cafè in Bangkok offering the food concept with a twist in a casual dining experience. As the first store outside Bangkok, Greyhound Cafe is brought to Hong Kong by Gaia Group. Greyhound Cafe serves Thai food with a western twist. By offering a trendy and creative mix of menus, service and ambiance at the competitive price, Hong Kong’s Greyhound Cafe provides its diners with an unforgettable experience.

Kingduck 京饌

The mixture of the modern and traditional decor, Kingduck who specialise in Beijing Cuisine will surely delight your palate. Beijing Cuisine who focuses on variety of cooking method, be delighted and surprised your tasting journey. 主打京菜,其烹調方法以爆、烤、涮、溜、炸、燒、炒、扒、煨、燜、醬等去烹調菜餚。口味講究酥脆鮮嫩,清鮮爽口,而且要做到色、香、味、形、器等五面俱全。餐廳每一角落也洋溢著絲絲中國味道卻又配上開揚摩登的裝潢,坐著品嚐廚師為你準備的心思菜式,別有一番感受。

Pieology Pizzeria

ABOUT PIEOLOGY Bring Your Inspiration to the Pieology Table Today At Pieology, we know that the best pizza is the one you create exactly as you want it. That’s why we’ve been serving up stone-fired custom pizzas with unlimited possibilities since 2011. Pieology is a place you get to take a blank pizza canvas and create your own pizza perfection. Choose from FOUR amazing crusts, SIX sauces, including our original house-made red, and over THIRTY-FIVE fresh toppings to create your personalized pizza masterpiece. Or, browse our menu and be inspired by our creations. We know that just because you like your pizza doesn’t mean someone else will, and that’s OK- we won’t judge. Whether in-store or online, our independently owned locations across the United States are open and ready to help satisfy your pizza cravings. Dine with us, take it to-go, or have it delivered to your door.

Star Kitchen

StarKitchen星級廚房以採用新鮮、優質的食材創作料理為宗旨,主打宴會餐飲策劃服務。成立至今已主理逾千埸不同種類宴會的餐飲及菜譜設計,包括婚宴、壽宴、百日宴及企業商業活動等。作為宴會餐飲專家,StarKitchen星級廚房深明食物餐飲質素對於籌辦一場成功的活動絕對是至關重要。因此StarKitchen星級廚房提供優質到會服務,無論是私人狂歡派對、專業商業會議、溫馨家庭聚會,StarKitchen星級廚房都能度身設計,讓客人輕鬆籌辦,盡情享受活動樂趣。2021年,StarKitchen星級廚房業務更擴展至包裝食物生產,望能讓廣大食客以平價享受到高質宴會級美食。StarKitchen星級廚房包裝食物由網上生活百貨Star Choix獨家發售。

Table 18

Chef's Table 以和諧舒適為主調的裝潢, 環境時尚優雅, 店內更設有開放式沙律吧、酒吧及多部電視, 讓您可一邊欣賞喜愛的電視頻道, 一邊享受精選美食, 有如置身家裡和諧舒適的氣氛, 必定是作為都巿人的您忙裡偷閒, 享受悠閒寫意生活之選。 推介菜式: 燒美國聖路易斯豬筋骨伴薯條沙律 香草牛油焗巨型蘑菇田螺

Katering 泰式到會

Professional Thai Food & Catering Service Thai Catering offers professional catering services for conferences, meetings, cocktail, buffet, parties, weddings and other social gatherings. In addition, we offer a variety of Thai cuisine with numerous styles. Customers’ requirements are tailor-designed as to offer the perfect moment for our clients. Our food and beverage business includes Bangkok Thai Restaurant & Koon Thai Cuisine. Our Thai chef follows Royal Thai cooking methods to bring out authentic Thai cuisine. Our restaurant coverage is all over Hong Kong the territory with high popularity among customers.     

Wang Jia Sha

ABOUT BLOOM BY WJS Bloom by Wang Jia Sha is the young and trendy brand extension of the well known Shanghainese restaurant, Wang Jia Sha. As a modern Shanghainese restaurant, Bloom by Wang Jia Sha honours contemporary inspirations while encapsulating the essence of traditional Shanghainese cuisine, bringing all Chinese food lovers the true flavours of Shanghainese delicacies. Over the years, Wang Jia Sha has received numerous honorable acknowledgements and awards. The signature dishes include Xiao Long Bao and Dan Dan noodles.



大城小廚私房菜 | 中式到會 | 預訂查詢 6855 6500 | Chinese Catering Services

大城小廚私房菜 酒樓大師傅坐陣既小菜館好小有小菜館有咁多手工菜,呢樣都係得益我地一班大廚,有多年粵菜經驗,呢啲菜係出面真係非常小見,而且買小見小而且我地仲係不計成本,以料靚、份量大作賣點未食過就快啲黎試下啦‼️

泰媽媽雞飯 Thai Mama’s Cow Man Kai | 泰式到會 Thai Catering | +852 6855 6500

泰式到會「泰媽媽雞飯」位於觀塘APM及灣仔新鴻基中心,特別邀請二十五年入廚經驗的泰媽媽蘭姐主理,將泰國地道家傳秘方的味道帶到香港。餐廳主要以自助形式打理,主打外賣服務亦提供少量堂食座位。不論泰式到會、主食、小食、甜品均一應俱全、款款滋味。當中以泰媽媽雞飯為招牌菜 ,鹵水豬手飯、泰式炸雞飯等亦相當出色。想享受簡單、方便快捷、又具特色的外賣便當?泰媽媽雞飯幫到您!   Thai Catering Thai Mama’s COW MAN KAI located at APM in Kwun Tong & Sun Hung Kei Centre in Wanchai. We Invited Ms. Lan with 25 years of cooking experience to bring the authentic home-style Thai flavors to Hong Kong. It is a self-service restaurant that perfect for casual dining where you can grab a light breakfast, afternoon tea or a full meal. It emphasizes on takeaway services and a few dine-in seating that featuring high quality meals, exclusive snacks and mouthwatering desserts, such as our signature COW MAN KAI Chicken with flavoring Rice, Pork Knuckle in Thai Style with Steamed Rice and Fried Chicken with Chicken Flavoring Rice. Hungry for a fantastic & remarkable takeaway meal? Come to us!

泰潮 Thai Chiu

    泰潮牌菜以「泰式海南雞」最為上乘,海南雞以秘製方法煮製,肉質嫩口彈牙,配雞油香飯,成功令泰潮於開業短短三年便榮獲「米芝蓮推介」及後連續8年亦成功連任。其他招牌菜有: 泰式滷水豬髀飯及冬蔭功湯粉等等,一直深受名人及藝人們愛戴,成為記者筆下的「明星食堂」。     最低消費 : $1800    48小時前下單  

西式到會 Western Catering



  象屋是一家時尚的泰式餐廳,專注於正宗的泰國風味。我們的主廚Khun Nam有國際烹飪經驗和在巴黎藍帶國際學院客座講師。她認為泰國最好的口味來自基本成分和香料。因此,在象屋,我們所有的食物,咖哩,醬汁都是每天手工製作的 La Maison D’Elephant is a trendy Thai restaurant with a strong focus on authentic Thai taste. Our head chef Khun Nam has international cooking experience and guest lectures at Le Gordon Bleu School. She believes the best Thai taste is from the basic ingredients and spices. Therefore, at La Maison D’Elephant, all our food, curry, sauces are created fresh daily by hand.